What is a breeding event?
- Incubation and maturation time is halved for the weekend. Babies grow twice as fast as normal and receive double bonus per cuddle.
How do I donate my GC?
- Just make a comment declaring how many GC you want to spend on the event. The event is available for all players, not only for contributors.
Can we pay with ARc bars?
- No, Arc bars can only be used in game (Reward vault or Auction house). For events or tokens use Ghost Coins.
Goal: 1000/1000
Kat 50
Thumper 100
Tarble 100
Stg.Nixon99 100
Mendret 100
Epi 100
Kitty 50
MILIN2009 50
Explorer joe 150
ali_tondast 30
Stormbird 170