The Voting Vanguard

Ready to elevate your ARK experience? Participate in our Voting Vanguard by voting for our game servers, and watch as your gameplay gets a thrilling upgrade! Here's how it works:

Vote Now to Boost Your Adventure:
Vote for [ASA] The Island Vote for [ASA] Scorched Earth Vote for [ASE] Ragnarok

Voting Goals:
1500 Votes per Week: Once we reach this milestone, we'll boost server rates by 50% as a token of our appreciation.
3000 Votes per Week: Achieve this target, and we'll boost server rates by 100%!

Voting Mechanics:
All votes cast within a current week (Monday to Sunday) count towards the weekly voting goals.
Rates will be automatically updated within 1 hour after reaching the voting goal.
Keep an eye on the #server-status channel on Discord for instant updates on the boosted rates.

Why Vote?
Voting is crucial for the success of our project. It helps us gain visibility and attract more players to our servers, fostering a vibrant and active community. Your support through voting is invaluable and directly contributes to making our ARK servers thrive!

It's Quick and Free:
Voting is quick, easy, and completely free! It takes only a minute of your time each day to cast your vote and propel us towards our goals. Your daily votes make a significant difference in our journey.

A Big Formal Thank You:
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of our voters. Your dedication and support mean the world to us, and we couldn't achieve these milestones without you. Thank you for being a vital part of our community!

Join our Discord server for real-time updates and discussions:
Join GD Discord

Join the hunt, rally your fellow survivors, and let's ascend together in the ARK universe!