Kogadins Server Owner

  • Member since Aug 26th 2019
  • Last Activity:
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  • Hey ho, kannst du mir verraten welches Tool diese Datenbank hier bewerkstelligt? https://ghostdata.the-ghost-division.com/servers

  • rawr

  • Hi Mr. admin please give me all the GC

  • Hi, I have a question, is it ok that part of my base will be under terrain? You can still see part of it. Thanks!

  • Hey! We need your help at Aberration. you dont have instant message and you are not online on teamspeak so im forced to message you there. My friend is bugged under the texture and he dont wanna lose hes stuff. can you help us out?

  • Just a quick message of thanks for a brilliant server and keeping it in order.


  • Hey Kogadins

    Is there a chance to get unbanned because im a new Player and i not even no what undermeshing is and im sorry for that.

    I hope you can unbanned me

    best wisher
