Everyone with 91 or more votes is participating in our drawing for the giveway. With our new concept there will be 5 winners now, first one gets an Ascendent BP, 2nd and 3rd get a Mastercraft BP and 4th and 5th place will get a Journeyman one.
Name | Votes |
Mschmidi | 93 |
SteakCupcake | 93 |
Dame (Damensha) | 93 |
johnhenriksen5 | 93 |
Oida | 93 |
Rune | 93 |
riesa | 93 |
qxv | 93 |
Squamata | 93 |
epicondylus | 93 |
Balaghan | 93 |
Schumi | 93 |
Astronaut | 93 |
Navaro | 93 |
Ravenous | 93 |
Der17 | 93 |
Crash.Course Mechanic | 93 |
Hariwin | 93 |
Kronos_SY | 93 |
Mendret | 93 |
Stormbird | 93 |
Hefty | 93 |
These are the top voters of the month.
We used the list randomizer from random.org to randomize the list and draw our 3 winners.
Here is the result:
Congratulations to @Astronaut for coming in first place and winning an ascendant blueprint of your choice.
Congratulations to Hariwin and Stormbird for wining place #2 and #3 and winning each a mastercraft blueprint of their choice.
Congratulations to Der17 and Dame (Damensha) for making it on the list in spot #4 and #5 and winning each a journeyman blueprint of their choice.
Please make sure to let us know what you need before end of the month by contacting us via the ticket system and leave us your name and coords, so we can give out the prizes personally at any time. You can also place a box and attach a screenshot with GPS so we can just put the BP there. No Tek and Fishing Rod BPs allowed.
Thanks to all our voters and good luck for the next drawing!