Posts by Mschmidi
When is the premier of this artistic video?
ah i only had to record the scores but failed at my first try *psssst* dont tell anyone
I have a question:
its not an official poll
Sent my ticket
It always takes a few days because you get payed out only by owners. Greetings Mschmidi
Hello Community,
besides the rule that we will continue to remove dinos that are left in wild, we would like to respond to the community with this new channel.
Feel free to help other Players/Tribes by reporting there lost Dinos outside of there Base. We will (most of the time) teleport them back to there Base.
To help the Team find them easier we would like to ask you to send us map name, tribe name, what kind of dino, name of dino, best one screenshot (with awesome spyglass) and ccc coordinates
(ccc coords can be added by opening ingame console (tab) after type ccc inside the console + hit Enter and at least copy them with crtl+v inside your forum post, should look like this: 162036 -733 24050 -123.06 -15.32)
The Ghost Division Team
cheat SetPlayerPos -251391 244450 -5808
cheat SetPlayerPos 203829.422 195990.766 2050.32
cheat SetPlayerPos 223249 220735 2299
cheat SetPlayerPos 126559 -130333.5 20678.23
cheat SetPlayerPos 325424 -89181 8933
cheat SetPlayerPos 195468 223854 2347
cheat SetPlayerPos -123179.5 -117339 -22364.5
cheat SetPlayerPos 199609.063 68937.21 15583
cheat SetPlayerPos -50694 171771 5770
cheat SetPlayerPos -70753 261668 2050
cheat SetPlayerPos 287257.156 38833.98 3286.02
cheat SetPlayerPos 305310 -239854 38079
[Mschmidi: placed]
I spent 2-2.5h just on first challenge, since it was said to be the official starting point, before giving a try to the rest. And by that time I was quite frustrated. The easy challenges helped clam me down but once I was left with 1st and 5th, the frustration just ramped back up. Looking back, if I didn't waste so much time on 1st, I would be able to complete 5th. I came close to finishing it 4 times, just 3 walls under the finish line. Kept failing 1 jump. If I had maybe another hour of patience left, I could do it which was the most annoying part, knowing you can do it but being too frustrated and stressed to pull it off. It seems to get harder and harder at that point.
It was a tough event with little hidden challanges.
Lost Island
cheat SetPlayerPos -165724 595751 -12697
cheat SetPlayerPos -245422 630715 -13297
cheat SetPlayerPos -23103.5 556742.5 -13682.5
cheat SetPlayerPos 179107.828 605429.25 -5494
cheat SetPlayerPos 228232 636327 -8046
cheat SetPlayerPos 184897.063 492558.219 -11935
cheat SetPlayerPos -62276 -134099 37444 placed Mschmidi
cheat SetPlayerPos 341800.063 -229832.6 -44441.71 placed Mschmidi
cheat SetPlayerPos 245797.953 -123755.891 -42298.98 placed Mschmidi
Dear Community,
we would like to bring Ghostdivision Resources Inc. back to the maps, but we need your support.
Please tell us the locations of Oil Veins and Gas Veins per map.
Please only with ccc coordinates.
(ccc coords can be added by opening ingame console (tab) after type ccc inside the console + hit Enter and at least copy them with crtl+v inside your forum post, should look like this: 162036 -733 24050 -123.06 -15.32)
The Ghost Division Team
- Old structures outside of the Base must be demolished after use.
Regarding to this rule ( , pls help us and use this forum post instead of a ticket to report left single structures like taming boxes.
To help the Team find them easier we would like to ask you to send us map name, tribe name, best one screenshot (with awesome spyglass) and ccc coordinates
(ccc coords can be added by opening ingame console (tab) after type ccc inside the console + hit Enter and at least copy them with crtl+v inside your forum post, should look like this: 162036 -733 24050 -123.06 -15.32)
The Ghost Division Team
Tested it today, its really amazing!!!
I'm pretty sure our event manager Dani already has something like that in the planning. If not, you two can have a chat. Regards Mschmidi