Halloween Special 30.10 - 03.11.2024
- The event will start Wednesday, October 30th at 12:15 (CET) and end on Sunday, November 3rd at 23:59 (CET)
- You need to have a website account registered with the same SteamID you use for playing the event.
- You need to subscribe the following mods: https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=2634348401
- You need to join the Eventserver (no travelling): steam://connect/
- No griefing!
- Keep it nice and friendly, everyone is welcome to this event and should be treated with respect!
- Please don't spoil other players with coordinates or PIN codes!
- You will get points for each zombie/ special creature kill. You can check your points on our website https://the-ghost-division.com/halloween_highscore/
- You can spend those points after the event for prizes from our Score Store below.
- The three players with the highest score total will win special prices. Check the Highscore list to see your current position.
- Kill Zombies to gain points for the highscore and ARc bars to buy better equipment.
- You can use the teleporter at any trader to switch to another spot if you are not happy with your current position.
- You can get storage boxes from the reward vault to store your equip.
- You do not have any engrams on the event server, all stuff is provided by the reward vault and air supplies.
- Air supllies are different than in Vanilla ARK, they will be dropped by a plane and go down with a parachute.
- Rumors say survivors can summon special boss creatures that reward extra points. Ask your local trader!
- Use a spawn location near a trader to get your starter equipment!
- If you spawn with zombie plague you can get a free cure using /kit cure
Map of Traders
Top 3 Zombie Killers
The three players with the highest score total will win these special prices. Check the Highscore list to see your current position.
Place Prize First Place one Shiny Essence for a dino of choice (Shinobi, Burning, Frozen, Holographic, Lunar or Taser), Ascendant BP of choice Second Place one Shiny Essence for a dino of choice (Burning, Frozen, Lunar or Taser), Ascendant BP of choice Third Place one Shiny Essence for a dino of choice (Burning or Lunar), Ascendant BP of choice The ultimate Score Store
You will be able to buy prizes from the score you get for killing Zombies. Have fun shopping in our awesome Score Store.
Price Reward 20000 Points Shiny Essence for a dino of choice (Shinobi, Burning, Frozen, Holographic, Lunar or Taser) 12000 Points Ascendant Tek Blueprint of choice 9500 Points Ascendant Blueprint of choice 7000 Points Mastercraft Blueprint of choice 4500 Points Journeyman Blueprint of choice 2750 Points Capped Item (any item from reward vault) 2500 Points any Chibi with custom colors 2000 Points Max. level dino of choice (no TEK) 2000 Points Red Chibi 1000 Points 100x Element 1000 Points Yellow Chibi 800 Points 20x Mutagen 750 Points 1x Gender Change Token 600 Points any Plant Species R Seed 500 Points Purple Chibi 400 Points 1x Dino Color Token 200 Points 1000 of a resource (Metal Ingot, Polymer, Cementing Paste, Gunpowder, Narcotics, Electronics, green/blue/red gems, crystal) 100 Points 1x N+ Domesticated Bee Hive 100 Points 1x GD Dino Mindwipe 50 Points 1x GD Levelboost 20 Points 1x GD Weightboost 20 Points 1x GD Speedboost 15 Points 1x GD Superstim -
Changed the title of the thread from “Halloween Special 29.10 - 03.11.2024” to “Halloween Special 30.10 - 03.11.2024”. -
Moved the thread from forum Events to forum Past Events.