ArkShop and how to use it

  • I see this question in chat every few hours. It was explained several days ago in discord, here's a copy:

    Dear GD community,

    This week we added ArkShop plugin, which you already used to get your free starter kits and omni tools.

    Today we went one step further and added a few small kits for all of you to enjoy!

    For every hour in game you will earn 1 point. Exchange these points for the following kits:

    artifacts - a set of all artifacts available in game - 10 points

    buffs - a set of consumables: 5 of each dish + 50 medical brews and 50 energy brews - 5 points

    element - a nice pack of 100 element - 24 points

    imprint - all types of food required to imprint a baby dino x10 - 5 points

    mutagen - a burning hot pack of 50 mutagen - 24 points

    rseeds - 2 seeds of each of R plants - 24 points

    taming - basic taming pack: 20 shocking darts, 20 extraordinary kibble, 100 narcotics - 5 points

    How to use kits?

    Starter kit is single use, available on levels 1-30. Type /kit starter in chat to claim.

    Omni tool is unlimited, type /kit tp in chat if you get stuck and need to teleport out.

    Other kits are available to purchase when you earn enough points:

    /buykit <kitname> <amount> - this will buy specified kit, example: /buykit element 1

    /kit <kitname> - this will claim the kit that you purchased, example: /kit element

    Type /kit in chat to see which kits are available for you.

    /points will show your balance.

    Please join our discord to never again miss important updates.