Ghost Division Olympics 2022

  • Dear survivors,

    We are reporting live from the Olympic Village of the Ghost Division Servers where we would like to invite all of you to participate in this great upcoming event. Prepare for challenges only the most athletic survivors in ARK history can master and show your skills in different mazes and puzzles. Join the spectator ranks and watch other survivors failing. But most of all: Have a lot of fun in our newest event! As a highlight DJ Mc Oil Baron will support the event. Join us for a great time!

    The event will take place on Saturday, May 14th, 5pm - 11pm CET (UTC+2)

    What's waiting for you:

    5 challenges with Jump and Maze Puzzles.
    5 Photo booths at the end of each challenge. Different chillout areas to relax after completing a challenge.
    Spectating areas to watch the others fail.
    A Party Zone with live music presented by DJ Oil Baron.
    Beautiful settings and a lot of fun.
    Points for every completed challenge

    Great rewards that you can buy with the points you earned.

    A fashion boutique where you can get fancy dresses

    Additional information about how to join the event, rules and prizes will be released soon, stay tuned...

    For further questions and discussions please use our Discord Eventchannel:…029888/714920256166166598

    Come join us and have a great time,
    your Ghost Division Event Team

    Mschmidi, destenyking, Dudulus and 8 others like this.
  • Ghost Division Olympics: Saturday, May 14th, 5pm - 11pm CET (UTC+2)

    Dear community,

    there are only a few days left until the start of our event “Ghost Division Olympics”.

    As promised we have summarized all important information for you:

    • 5 different challenges await you.
    • Each challenge will give you points, which can be spent on prizes after the event.
    • You can do the challenges at any time between 5pm - 11pm CET (UTC+2)
    • You can follow the path and complete the challenges in the correct order. You can also use your omni tool to switch between the challenges if you get stuck or want to try something else.
    • After each challenge there is a photo booth. You need to take screenshots of these booths while pressing "H" on your keyboard so you have proof for completing the challenge.
    • There are different chill or spectator areas and a party zone where you can meet.
    • Signs along the parcour will give you hints or will show you the way.

    Step by step:

    • Join the event server (dino and item upload is disabled)
    • Type /join in chat, you will join the event tribe. This is necessary to use doors, jump pads etc.
    • Type /tp in chat, you will get an omni tool which can be used to switch between the challenges.
    • Use the omni tool to get yourself a fancy dress in our fashion boutique.
    • Use the omni tool to teleport to "Challenge 1" which is the official start.
    • After completing a challenge you will get to a photo booth, take a screenshot of that booth.
    • Follow the signs to the next challenge.
    • Visit the party area, you can use the omni tool or you will find it on the way between challenge 2 and 3.
    • If you are done open a ticket, insert your screenshots of the photo booths and tell us which prizes you want from your points.
    • If you need to join the event server directly you can add the address to your favorites: PvE Event-Server:

    Photo booths:

    • Each photo booth is different.
    • They are marked with a yellow sign and a yellow foundation.
    • The yellow foundation marks the point you should stand on to take the screenshot.
    • Press and hold "H" on your keyboard while doing the screenshot so we can verify your identity.
    • The screenshots need to look like in the example below.
    • Keep your eyes open, when you miss a photo booth you need to repeat the challenge. There is no way back!


    • This event is PvE, stay friendly and fair so everyone can enjoy their time.
    • You are allowed to leave and join the server at any time between 5pm - 11pm.
    • As always bug using, cheating, exploiting is forbidden.

    Points and Prizes:

    • You will get (100) points for each completed challenge (500 points total).
    • Every player who completed all 5 challenges will receive a special prize of 50 GhostCoins.

    Ascendant Bp of choice (except Tek and fishing rod)400
    Mastercraft BP of choice (except Tek and fishing rod)300
    Journeyman BP of choice (except Tek and fishing rod)200
    1x Gender change token100
    5x GD Superstim25
    5x GD Speedboost25
    5x GD Weightboost25
    3x GD XP Boost25
    any red Chibi100
    any yellow Chibi75
    any purple Chibi50
    5 Mutagen50
    500 of a resource (Metal Ingot, Polymer, Cementing Paste, Gunpowder, Narcotics, Electronics, green/blue/red gems, crystal)10
    CoOokie, Mschmidi, LCFR and one other like this.