Ab Blue Zone - Megalo
128799 -49939 11738 43.24 -30.48
[Mschmidi: removed]
Ab Blue Zone - Megalo
128799 -49939 11738 43.24 -30.48
[Mschmidi: removed]
156659 -34046 25575 84.98 -37.90
[sent home]
Map: Gen 2
3 Desmos with two flying up slowly while they are loaded.
-507264 328907 1717 -9.54 -80.00
I think I sent all of them home, screenshot only showed me the data for the 1 - Kuko
Ab: Red Zone (Bulbdog)
-105390 -58509 -102781 157.39 -32.88
Sent home- Kuko
Crystal Isles (Shadowmane)
-75538 362794 -3026 2.52 -21.26
Collected by owner- Kuko
Lost Island
Tek Quetzal
224006 -454442 460 151.27 37.32
Returned home - Kuko
Gen 1 Lunar (Rock Drake)
-316724 -250341 -32020 -109.43 -16.45
Val (Crystal Wyvern)
-125941 -94605 -12108 39.77 -27.23
Rock drake returned
Wyvern has nowhere to TP to
Ab: Red Zone
Reaper King in element river, have left area so It won't take more damage.
-82556 136936 -18076 98.51 -70.93
Ab Spino
28724 174559 -3910 -155.86 -20.63
[spino sent home, reaper not found]
109081 -319485 -159660 -152.48 -49.45
[Sent home]
Map: Crystal Isles
Tribe of VOLTUSS
366941 -499389 8968 -124.27 -74.52
[Mschmidi: not found]
Map: Aberration
Dino: Megalosaurus
19608 682 -22246 -89.46 -73.46
[Mschmidi: removed]
Map: Aberration
2028 11072 -102231 18.87 -54.62
[Mschmidi: removed]
Ab Red Zone
-28778 160972 -14142 32.40 -14.16
2 Megalos
[Mschmidi: removed]
The Center
118755 -241154 -11789 -60.24 -23.45
Removed - Kuko
Map: Aberration
Dino: Bulbdog
Tribe: Tribe of NJURATAREN
-284274 -33689 49918 11.04 -47.23
Almost didn't find them bc of the accent haha but sent home safely- Kuko