Posts by posejdoon
yes, for sure i gonna do Unicorn Racing V2 but first i want to do something different.
Today I would like to invite everyone to an event coming at 25.09.2021 on the Crystal Isles map "the Unicorn Derp Racing"
There are going to be 3 races across the racing track.
After every race you will recive points.
First Place: 10
Second Place: 9
Third Place: 8
Fourth Place: 7
Fifth Place : 6
Sixth Place : 5
Final awards:
1st Place: Any chibi of your choice including elusive Unicorns and Void Wyrms+10ARCBars
2nd Place: Any chibi except for the Unicorn+6ARCBars
3rd Place: Any non Legendary Chibi+4ARCBars
Important Info:Minimum amount of players needed for the event: 3
Maximum amount of players participating in the event: 25
Every Unicorn has to have 100% speed (unicorns will be provided for the duration of the event by Insane Unicorn Guy posejdoon™ if you don't have your own unicorn)
Every player needs to chose the color and paint their armor and saddle, the colors need to be unique, first person claiming color will be allowed to use it.
Cheating of any kind will be met with heavy plasma fire and forfeiting your place in the race.
More detailed information
Cords: LAT 52 LON 18
Teleport name: "Unicorn Stable"
From my opinion allowing premade templates wasn't right, but we could allow it after heavy editing.
Now it's depends how we make the event, if on forum we could do it's by likes under post with pimped dinos (easy to do).
We also can do more climatic way by gathering up somewhere and show off dinos. (more hard to do)
If we do more clematic way, we would need to create a scoring system that takes into account several categories like, style, ingenuity,, e.t.c and if this is a premade tampltes or not.
Points could be in scale of 0-5.
This is only suggestion for a event, could be fun and not too hard to do.
It's can done like base contest where players post screenshots of dinos, or totally different where everyone come in one place to show up dinos.
This is up for discussion which way gonna be better, or someone maybe gonna fine a better way to do it.