PvP - an obituary

Dear fellow survivors,

yes, it is sad but we don't see any other options: We will close down our PvP cluster for good. We put a lot of time, effort and money in the cluster this year, we tried multiple different concepts, concepts based on user feedback, experience and even some new ideas we thought might work, but PvP is dead. Each season got shorter, players leaving to play on P2W clusters (something we still dislike and would never add to our cluster), the remaining players got more toxic each season and a few weeks after wipes there was next to no population on our servers. Ark changed a lot these last years and PvP is not the same as it used to be, it is mainly a sandbox for griefers, cheaters and a lot of toxic behaviour. We therefore decided to close down our PvP cluster and focus on our PvE cluster which still is one of the best populated, balanced and fun inofficial clusters out there.

The PvP cluster will shut down tomorrow, November 25th. The PvP root will then be replace our current PvE parent root to secure the future of our PvE cluster (the PvP root is way more powerful and can host more maps). There will be a maintenance this Saturday (November 28th) to move all the maps on our current PvE root (Aberration, Crystal Isles, Extinction, Scorched Earth and the Event Server) to the "new" root. Any further information about the maintenance will be published in our Discord, so keep an eye on our #announcements.

This wasn't an easy decision as some of us were PvP players for years and love Ark PvP, but with what Wildcard made out of PvP and how the PvP community developed we do not see any other options. That said please be assured that we do not think PvP players are bad people, in fact some of our most loyal and trusted community members are PvP players and we like to thank them for trying to improve our clusters with us, giving us feedback etc. It is just the game that made griefing and glitching too easy.

Thank you for all youl loyalty, your effort and for playing our cluster, we really hope you enjoyed it as long as it lasted, but everything needs to come to an end sooner or later and our PvP cluster just reached that end.

Best regards,

your Ghost Division Team

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